The chapters of my life......

..........Hi there!! thanks for visiting my blog. ..........I wanted to start a blog for a long ..........time ago but due to my busy ..........schedule(i guess), i was unable to do Thanks to my IT for Managers ..........lecturer giving the blog creation as ..........assignment :)

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Do and Don't in Japan

Saturday, January 15, 2011

1. Take a gift when visiting someone's home
2. Turn off your cell phone or use manner mode on trains and busses
3. Bow alot
4. Say that your gift, when you give one, isn't very good
5. Give your seat to a handicapped, elderly, or otherwise needy person on busses or trains
6. Make a like while waiting for public transportation
7. Stand to the left or right on escalators (There are differences between geographical areas and customs for standing on escalators. Watch the crowds and follow them.)
8. Change your wardrobe in June and October


1. Kiss in public or when meeting someone for the first time
2. Wear a white dress to a wedding
3. Smoke or talk loudly on a bus or train
4. Give potted plants to someone who is staying in the hospital
5. Stand on any threshold
6. Go in a host's kitchen unless invited
7. Tip
8. Eat in the locker room of a public bath


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