The chapters of my life......

..........Hi there!! thanks for visiting my blog. ..........I wanted to start a blog for a long ..........time ago but due to my busy ..........schedule(i guess), i was unable to do Thanks to my IT for Managers ..........lecturer giving the blog creation as ..........assignment :)

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Semalam (9/3/2011) hari first masuk sem baru..... my final sem.. yeah!!! sem baru, hari baru, dunia baru.....  yang kelakar baru je berapa ari cuti tinggalkan changlun tuk cuti sem bleh plak lupa jalan nk blik canglun dri rumah.... hahhaaaaaa... agak melampau tuuu... nasib baik la boleh tersedar dri mimpi indah bwk kete tu... silap2 tadi leh sampai ke puncak janing.. :)

Sem ni ambil International Strategic Management dan Master thesis je... xde la je sgat... da cukup berat jugak tu de thesis.. 

My first day with ISM... rase mcm x best je.. kelas tu de 3 orang je.. huu saya, nurliyana, and charles (nigerian)..  bosan laaa... nk kelas ramai2.. lec plak import jauh tu from India rugi je ajo 3 owng..heeee.. mmg kna slalu update ilmu didada la kelas  asyik kna soal je.. 

Aper2 pon ... good luck la tuk diri sendiri. Semoga dapat menempuh sem ni dengan tabahhhh.. yeee.. saya perlu tabahhhhh.. tinggal 3 bulan je lg...