The chapters of my life......

..........Hi there!! thanks for visiting my blog. ..........I wanted to start a blog for a long ..........time ago but due to my busy ..........schedule(i guess), i was unable to do Thanks to my IT for Managers ..........lecturer giving the blog creation as ..........assignment :)

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Today i just finished International Marketing presentation for chapter 14... however it still not the end story of International Marketing.. tomorrow i need to submit the group project report and also present it. My group choose Continental AG as the company analysis...  Besides, take home test will be given on 15/2 and have to submit on 18/2... hope everything fine!!

At 12.00 p.m just after I.M class was Information Technology for Manager final exam.... Alhamdullilah everything fine.. hopefully the result also..huu.. So today is the last class of ITM... of course i will miss this subject soon!!..  after the exam we took the picture together with our beloved ITM lecturer...
then my group and one remaining group done our project presentation..
Special thanks goes to Prof. Azizi who always try to make this IT subject as the  interesting subject. i have learned a lots of things here..